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Powrót do listy produktów Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2013-01-05
ULIRvision Thermal Imaging Camera TI120 For Medical Applications

ULIRvision TI120 for medical applications

Numer katalogowy:

* New generation high performance IR detector 160x120 pixels 25μm: Improve
image quality and increase thermal sensitivity
* Highest accuracy: ±0.6%
* Crisp thermal images: Users can trace objects easier and rapidly with
integrated images.
* Bright 3.5" Color LCD: Produce sharper and clearer image.
* 50Hz Real-time Imaging: Indicate and trace the objects which their
temperature is going beyond the defined value.
* Non contact monitoring: Operated without giving any inconvenience or panic to
the flowing crowds.

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Zhejiang ULIRvision Technology Co., LTD

Jack Huang
Adres: 2nd Floor The Westlake Intel Sci-Tech Plaza 391 We, 310012 Zhejiang Province, China

Nr telefonu: +86 571 87209885 Skopiuj

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