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Powrót do listy produktów Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2020-03-20
PANAMETRICS XMT868i - Przepływomierz Ultradźwiękowy do Cieczy

Wersja polska w opracowaniu.

KONTAKT w PL: +48 607 700 387

The XMT868i liquid flow transmitter combines state-of-the-art flow measurement capability with a low-cost transmitter package that measures only 8.2 by 6.6 in (20.1 by 16.8 cm), weighs only 10 lb (4.5 kg) and can be installed right at the process measurement point. The all-digital XMT868i has no moving parts and provides long-term, drift-free operation. An on-board microprocessor provides exclusive digital signal coding and correlation detection routines, automatic adjustment to changing fluid properties, dynamically configured operating software to simplify programming and built-in energy flow measurement.

Opis produktu
The XMT868i transmitter is a Transit-Time and patented cross correlation signal processor, enabling it to measure flow in applications ranging from ultrapure liquids to extremely attenuating gas-liquid-solid mixtures that were previously handled only by Doppler meters. An optional second channel provides the capability to measure flow in two separate pipes or at two points on the same pipe, further reducing the per-point measurement cost. The second channel can also be configured for dual-path measurement at one location for maximum accuracy. The XMT868i transmitter can be used with any of our proven ultrasonic transducers, including wetted transducers for maximum accuracy and clamp-on transducers for maximum convenience and flexibility. Transducers, flowcells, and fixtures are available in standard and custom configurations for pipe sizes ranging from ½ to more than 200 in (1.27 cm to 5.1 m) in diameter.

The XMT868i transmitter measures flow rate from -40 to 40 ft/s (-12.2 to 12.2 m/s) and provides a typical accuracy better than one percent of reading with ±0.2 percent repeatability using wetted transducers, and two percent of reading with ±0.5 percent repeatability using clamp-on transducers. The XMT868i transmitter is ideal for use wherever accurate, reliable and economical long-term flow measurement is critical to process and product quality. This includes applications such as water and wastewater management, sewage treatment, semiconductor manufacturing, hydroelectric, fossil fuel and nuclear power, pulp and paper and energy measurement. Measurement is noncontaminating, obstructionless and causes no pressure drop.

Zalety i korzyści
Low range: -40 to 40 ft/s (-12.2 to 12.2 m/s)
Pipe sizes ½ to 200 in (1.27 cm to 5.1 m)
Single- and dual-channel modes
RTDs for energy flow measurements (optional)
Data logging capabilities (optional)
Weatherproof/explosion-proof housing

Service Types
Calibration - In-House
Repair - In-house
Training - Application

Karty katalogowe produktu na stronie GE Sensing EMEA:

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Adres: Wroclawska 14, 41-902 Bytom

Nr telefonu: +48 607 700 387 Skopiuj

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