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Powrót do listy produktów Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2020-03-20
PANAMETRICS - DewPro MMR30 Przetwornik Wilgotności


Wersja polska w opracowaniu.

KONTAKT w PL: +48 607 700 387

The DewPro MMR 30 is a compact, mid-range moisture transmitter probe designed specifically for refrigeration dryer monitoring. The MMR30 measures dew point at line or atmospheric pressure and installs easily on a dryer outlet header.

Opis produktu
The DewPro MMR 30 is a compact, mid-range moisture transmitter probe designed specifically for refrigeration dryer monitoring. The MMR30 measures dew point at line or atmospheric pressure and installs easily on a dryer outlet header.

Zalety i korzyści
Simple loop-powered 4-20 mA connection
Proven polymer capacitive sensor technology for fast response and calibration stability
Integral filtering and flow regulation
Trouble-free indoor or outdoor mounting
Microprocessor in electronics Type 4X(IP67) enclosure
Optional integrated display
Optional DewPro communication software

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Adres: Wroclawska 14, 41-902 Bytom

Nr telefonu: +48 607 700 387 Skopiuj

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