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Powrót do kalendarium Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2008-07-28
EUROBIC9 - 9th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference
The conference covers all aspects of biological inorganic chemistry, including Metals in medicine – therapeutic and diagnostic agents, Bioinspired catalysis, Biomimetic systems, Metal Trafficking, Metals and oxidative stress, Metals and nucleic acids – chemical and biological aspects, Metal-based environmental chemistry, Metal related diseases, Metals and neurodegeneration, Computational aspects and metal containing molecules, Chemical bioinformatics, Metals – light and life, Metalloproteins, Structure-function correlation in metal containing biomolecules, Bioinspired coordination chemistry and other hot topics.

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Wydział Chemii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego

prof. Henryk Kozłowski
Adres: Uniwersytecka 22/26, 50-145 Wrocław

Nr telefonu: +48 71 375 72 51 Skopiuj

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