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Drug screening on cell lines in 3D cell culture

********** Trypan blue cytotoxicity assay on 3D model of cell lines. A measure of the cytotoxic activity is a test compound expressed as an IC50 concentration value (inhibitory concentration - concentration at which proliferation / viability...

Single cell cloning in suspension

*********** You chose your cell line (adherent or non-adherent) and sent it to us. If necessary we will adapt your cell line to suspension growth and find the right cell culture media which will be later applicable to GMP manufacturing.  ...

LifeGel customization

**************** Our company main product is the innovative LifeGel hydrogel . It is intended for 3D cell culture.  We offer LifeGel in the Standard option for typical cell culture, as well as we have the Customized option  - for adapting...

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