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Powrót do listy wszystkich zapytań Opublikowano: 2020-07-16

Wastewater Sampler

Zapytanie nr 812995

Termin składania ofert:
środa, 22 lipca 2020

Treść zapytania:

Dear Sirs

You are kindly requested to provide us with your best offer for the following part.

We need to replace the following sampler from company Teledyneisco
with a new sampler.
The part is the model 3710FR, which is obsolete, more info below

1)Sampler For wastewater
1) In addition to resistance to climatic conditions, the sampler must be resistant to corrosive environments due to the presence of hydrogen sulfide in wastewater.
2) Cooling must be present for the inside of the sampler to 0 to 4 degrees Celsius.
3) Sample collection should be done using a peristaltic pump.
4) The samples will be composite, the volume of the container should be between 10-15 liters, plastic.
5) To be able to operate with the flow through pulses from an existing flowmeter.
6) The offer should include accessories such as filter, suction hoses, etc.
Qty : 2 pcs

You can offer a sampler from any brand as long as has the maching specifications as above.

Ważne: Nabywca akceptuje zamienniki spełniające wymagania wyszczególnione w zapytaniu.

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